Friday, July 6, 2012

The aftermath of a move

We have been in Austin for almost 11 months. Around 330 days. As we have unpacked throughout this time, there have been broken keepsakes. Sweet little ditties from grandparents that are now in pieces. I tell myself that I will glue them back together. The pieces turning the mementos into a whole again. But, like most things, I will probably put it off. Until another time.

Today was my last day at my job. That I had for four and a half years. Around 220 weeks. It feels so strange, finishing something up that I felt I could never fully ever finish. I have found a new job, in Austin. After working remotely for a while, I found that I need to leave the house every day. I need to be around people. I will miss working at my old wooden desk. I will miss the sweet, sweet people I worked with.

I love the idea of starting anew. Having nothing hanging over my head. It comes at the perfect time. The time that we have started making new friends. A time where I spend my Sunday morning shelving books at the library. A time that we cook a lot at home, dreaming up new things, and making them. This is what I imagined when we thought of moving here. And now it's coming true. And my heart surges. And that feels good. Since it hasn't surged in so long.


Courtney said...

oh, exciting. what sort of job is it? do you think you'll ever become a school librarian?

Sara said...

it's another project management job :) for a real estate appraisal management firm, so far I like it a lot!!