Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A still life

I have started wearing earrings every day. I am now that person, when on the phone, who says can you hang on a second? I need to take out my earring.

There really isn't anything better than going from 100 degrees to 65 degrees in the same day.

Sometimes, life is very funny.

One time I wrote a poem about rituals. How they become familiar. This is how my Sundays are now.

I can't stop reading books. But really, when could I ever.

I came up with a new tomato sauce. Would love to share it with you.

The other nite, when it was still very hot out, I walked to my car and took a deep breath. And instantly wished that I was in our old backyard, setting the table, getting ready to grill something. During that special time in the day.

You know that saying, when it rains it pours. Is there a saying that lets you know when the pouring stops?

We had our first dinner party. It was so much fun. It went until late.


La Sirena said...

so many things you said meant something to me this week. love how the universe works that way. miss you.

Payal said...

OMG girl! I just died laughing at the taking off the earring while answering a phone call comment. Love you!

Sara said...

Sirena, I love, love, love that. Always feels pretty special when that happens. Miss you too doll.

Sara said...

Payal, hahhahha! One of the pair of earrings are clip-on, now those are the real deal!!

keishua said...
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keishua said...

i miss have earrings. i think they liven up a outfit or a day