Friday, July 3, 2015

Kitchen thoughts

I am sitting here working and just had a surge of joy flow through me remembering that our pantry and fridge are full after a big grocery shop last night. Such a great feeling, knowing that when you get home you have a few options for a meal, some new recipes to try. There are potatoes for a curry that is topped with cilantro and a fried egg. A Spanish cheese and some nuts and olives for a snack after work. Fettuccine, sweet red peppers, cream cheese for a one pot meal. Tons of eggs and cheese and coffee for long breakfasts. All of this ready to go before a weekend rather than waiting until the last minute Sunday to grab things we would have needed over the weekend. This knowing, that we are set when arriving home, lets me relax and breathe and look forward to that little kitchen of mine.

Steven and I have a fun idea for a cooking show. We are going to have a "biz" meeting this weekend, just the two of us, with pads of paper and pens and drinks and snacks and we are going to lay out our ideas. Ahhhh yes, the power of planning. We are going to shoot the first episode the first weekend in September. It feels good to have a date set.

I want to write all about my sweet boy. He is getting so big and so fun and so sassy. I am loving every minute and I don't think I have laughed or smiled this much in a long while.

I hope you have lovely weekend. Be safe and happy!

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