Wednesday, February 18, 2015


It's so strange to think about the fact that our little son will not remember anything about his life up to this point. That all of the memories are currently in our minds and will not stay in his. The other day we got locked out of the house, in the middle of a windy afternoon. We played in the back yard and then hung out in the front yard and then took a walk in the stroller. After an hour I was tired and getting crabby. I had a fleeting thought that I should try to make this time locked out of the house some magical adventure. Turn my discontent into something very fun for Mickey. Like all of it was no big deal, fun even. And then just like that I remembered that he's not going to remember this, you don't need to go above and beyond and make this some lovely situation. There will be time for that - creating something magical out of nothing.

And so that I can always remember, here are list of the words that Mickey says at 22 months:

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